Choosing The Right Life Insurance Provider

When searching for a "life insurance provider near me" it's best to have a few key requirements to help narrow the list down. A reputable company that has been in business for decades, like Hilb Group, should be at the top of your list of life insurance providers. Hilb Group has a variety of options for individuals and businesses. Beyond [...]

2021-02-09T22:49:40+00:00January 9th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

What Is a PEO?

Have you been wondering, “What is a PEO?” PEO stands for a professional employer organization. A PEO provides small to medium-sized businesses with HR solutions as well as access to benefits. When a company decides to do business with a professional employer organization, the two enter into a co-employment relationship. This is considered a cost-effective option for small businesses to [...]

2021-07-28T16:07:44+00:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Employee Health Benefits Evolving with COVID-19

COVID-19 Forcing Employers to Evolve Health & Wellness Benefits As the COVID-19 pandemic has brought comprehensive changes to the workforce, employers are adapting their approaches to health and wellness benefits. Willis Towers Watson surveyed 816 employers, representing 12 million workers, in late April, and found that 47% are enhancing health benefits, and 45% plan to expand their wellness offerings. Many [...]

2020-06-04T19:39:40+00:00June 4th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Working With A Group Health Insurance Broker

Insurance coverage is often confusing. For a business owner, it is challenging to find a benefits strategy that is useful for your employers. Also, you need a strategy that gives you a competitive edge. However, the first step is to find a group health insurance broker with established relationships with insurance companies. What Is a Broker? A broker does not [...]

Return to Work Resources & Guidance

In the coming days and weeks, many businesses and nonprofits now operating virtually (or not at all) will be turning their focus toward return to work protocols to ensure employee safety. Attached are two pieces we thought you’d find useful from one of our resources, “My Benefit Advisor”.  One is a comprehensive outline with a “Four Step Essential Return to [...]

2023-05-01T07:00:42+00:00May 5th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Find the Best Insurance Broker Near Me

If you or your company is looking for an "insurance broker near me," the best company has served the Peekskill, NY area for three generations. We understand the importance of your health, life, and money, so we focus on providing the best possible choices and service. At Hilb Group, we continually advocate for our customers, helping them navigate the many complexities of insurance policies. [...]

Employee Benefits and COVID-19: What Are Your Options?

Recently, employee benefits experts Charles (Chuck) Newman and Ilana Arbeit of Hilb Group and marketing and sales expert Dean Steinman from Presentation Multimedia sat down to talk about COVID-19. (You can listen to the podcast at the end of this article.) In a climate of chaos caused by the pandemic, it's a challenge to keep up with fast changes to employee benefits. [...]

2020-03-26T19:07:40+00:00March 26th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

COVID-19 Resources and Updates

A global novel virus, the COVID-19 pandemic, could keep Americans at home for months. As a result, government, healthcare, the economy, society, and lifestyles will change in many unknown ways.  Immediately, the pandemic is creating a rise in telemedicine, as patients seek virtual consultation and remote office visits with healthcare providers. Meanwhile, other institutions and businesses are similarly adapting quickly to [...]

2023-02-22T05:53:41+00:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Get the Most Out of Your Health Insurance

Helpful Hints for Employees Always ask your doctor if a generic medication is available (and if it would be OK for you to take). If there is no generic (or if it’s not OK), ask your doctor to not check the “Dispense As Written” (DAW) box on the electronic prescription  (perhaps you can get a lower-cost brand name under Tier [...]

Shopping For The Best Nonprofit Health Insurance

The Best in the Business Shopping for the best nonprofit health insurance provider doesn't have to be a hassle. Hilb Group can take your care to the next level. We know that nonprofits have many needs and we are here to help alleviate some of the burdens that these companies face. We are always eager to show nonprofits how much [...]

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